E-News 7-26-23
Apple Pregnancy Care Center
needs an ambassador from our church to be a point person
to advocate for the Walk for Life in our church.
The Kick-Off open house event is Thursday, July 27 from 4-6 pm.
You can drop by any time to tour the facility, get info and have a light dinner.
Please let the church office know if you are willing to help Apple in this way.
90th Birthday Party for Marilyn Pardun
Sunday, July 30, 2-4 pm
Grace Edgewood
2512 Spooner Ave., #17
Altoona, WI 54720
Join us on Sunday August 6th right after the service for a
We are honoring our 65th year as a church AND Pastor Wade
as he celebrates his 65th birthday August 1st!.
If you haven't yet gotten in on the "65" giving or maybe feel led to keep on,
increase your giving by "65" in any form as this will be the final Sunday campaign.
Let's see how many extra "65's" we can collect!
Main dish and birthday cake will be provided;
please plan to bring a large side dish and lawn chairs / lawn games.
Let's have a fun summer birthday fellowship!
5-Day Club
August 7th-11th from 2:45–4:15pm
For kids in Pre-K through 5th grade
At Crossroads Church with River City Church
Please sign up online https://forms.gle/
Outdoor Service/BYO Picnic Lunch/Baptism
Sunday, Aug. 20th, 10:30 am @ Riverview Park, Eau Claire
Contact Pastor Wade or Andrew if you want to be baptized.
Opportunity to Serve
We are still looking for someone who is willing to step in as Nursery Coordinator.
Please talk to Mary Crumbaker or Carol Taylor if you are interested!
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