E-News 1-27-22



Life Recovery Group

Fridays, Feb. 4 and 18

6-9 pm @ the white house



Games at Brames

In-Betweeners game night 

Sat., Feb. 5 @ 6 pm

Valleybrook Church, Eau Claire

$20 Registration includes: live worship
your choice - 5 of 8 sessions
breakfast snacks all day
E & G Box Lunch, soda and water
Doors open: 8 am
sessions: 8:30- 12:30 pm



Crossroads Connections

Feb. 6, 5:30 pm

Please sign up on the clipboard this Sunday

or let the church office

know you plan to attend.





Virtual Baby Shower for Shannon & Nate Ackerman

and their Twin Daughters.

The twins are due in March but may arrive early.  We want to help with the many expenses in preparing for the arrival of 2 babies.

We will be collecting funds to purchase gift cards for the Ackermans.

 Please write “Shannon” on the memo if you write a check to Crossroads.

Or you can donate by clicking this link. DONATE HERE


Young at Heart small group (ages 40-60’s+)

 Join us Saturday, February 19, at Crossroads for Jeopardy! 

 The fun starts at 6:30 pm. 

 Please bring a snack to share.



 Sign-up cards for this year are on the table by the kitchen.
Please place in Carol Taylor’s mailbox or give to Carol upon completion.


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