
Crossroads Connections 

We will have a fantastic Thanksgiving turkey dinner for all ages on November 14 @ 5:30 pm.  

Please RSVP to this email or sign up on Sunday and join us for a special evening!  Deadline for signup is Wed., Nov. 10.




 Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes  

     We are collecting filled shoeboxes as well as items for needy children throughout the world. 

Please put your donations of crayons, colored pencils, wash cloths, combs and brushes,

toothbrushes (no toothpaste) socks ( all sizes), tablets, small balls and toys in the black tote near the kitchen.


Are you remembering your Secret Sister?

It is important to let your “sister” know you  are lifting her up in prayer on a regular basis.

We need to help each other stay strong in Christ Jesus


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