E-News Sept. 22



Church Check-Up—Sunday, Sept. 26

after the morning worship service


Collection for Afghan Refugees   

        Crossroads will collect an offering for our missions organization, World Venture,

to assist Afghan refugees around the world and in the US.  We will be contributing $500 from the benevolent fund

and adding the funds collected in the October 3 benevolent fund offering.

We will also be collecting clothes and toiletry items from October 3-17,

to be delivered to the refugees housed at Ft. McCoy.  Please look over the list of needed items

in the commons and give generously in money and/or donated items.


Men’s Camp—Go M.A.D –Make a Difference                  

     October 1-2, at Arrowhead Bible Camp.   Cost is $52.  See the bulletin board for details/brochure; 

register online at abcamp.org.


           Everyone is invited to join us Sunday, Oct. 3, 5:30 pm

Fantastic free food, fellowship and fun!


                  Celebrate Recovery                         

will begin Friday, Oct. 17.   

The group will continue to meet on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, 6 pm @ the white house.     


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