E - NEWS August 19th 2021



Baptism/Membership Sunday August 29

There are 3 people coming for baptism.  If you are interested in baptism and/or membership, please contact Pastor Wade or Andrew.


Tim and Debbie Johnson

will share their stories with us this Sunday, August 22 during the Sunday School hour   

and briefly during the A.M service        



A new adventure for our Crossroads family!

An evening for all ages--singles, couples and families--offered twice a month

 featuring a meal (5:30 pm), discussion  (6:15)

and a fun activity. (6:45-7:15pm).

Our first event will be on Sunday, August 29; 5:30-7:30 pm

Featuring Charcoal Chicken dinner with sweet corn, cole slaw, rolls, 

cheesecake bites and ice cream bars.

Please SIGN UP via email or on the bulletin board this Sunday,

 so we know how much food we need!!

 Don’t forget to complete the survey or let the office know if you prefer a Sunday night

or a Tuesday night for this event!





In-Betweeners: (20-40) September Cook-out and Bonfire

@  the Brames, date TBD


Young At Heart (40-60+) Game Night

rotational Pickleball and board games

Saturday, September 18 @ Crossroads

Bring snacks to share!



Our September meeting will be canceled due to the upsurge of the Covid's Delta Variant. 

 We will examine the situation and keep you informed as to our October meeting.


Church Check-Up:  Sunday, Sept. 19

After the AM worship service

Men’s Camp—Go M.A.D –Make a Difference

              October 1-2, at Arrowhead Bible Camp, Cost is $52

register online at abcamp.org.


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